Ron and The Hebrides
The Hebrides - an isolated wilderness where the machair plains are dotted with crofts and settlements and the rugged, rocky shores give way to never-ending beaches stretching out towards infinite skies.
Yet despite their remoteness and emptiness, they are extraordinary lands with their own unique beauty, impacting us all in different ways..
Ever since Ron Lawson first heard of the Hebrides, he knew that he would visit them one day.

“I remember the first time I became aware of the islands… we used to go camping every year as a family to the West Coast and on one trip I saw the ferry in Ullapool readying to head for Stornoway. After only ever driving to places in mainland Scotland for holiday, I just wanted to go on that ferry one day to visit an island- and Stornoway sounded like a great place to visit. Since that day, that vision and longing has always stayed with me.
My first trip was in 1988. I remember the first time the boat sailed into Stornoway – everything about it was extraordinary, I couldn’t believe that I had finally arrived on the island I had dreamt about for so long.
What struck me the most was how barren and different it was to anything I’d ever experienced before – it was a real culture shock. I was on my bike and I hadn’t fully anticipated how little infrastructure there was, so I was a little bit unprepared - and even though it was cold, lashing rain, I had little food and felt totally isolated, I loved everything about it and couldn’t wait to plan my next trip...”

Since that first visit, Ron has returned to the islands year after year, totally immersing himself in the landscape so that the feelings and emotions that the Hebrides awaken in him are evident through every piece he paints.
“I’m constantly striving to convey the feeling the Hebrides evoke and the emotional connection I have with the landscape. For me, the vast skies and stark, empty lands give me a sense of calm that I don’t feel anywhere else. I’d love to spend some time permanently on the islands one day.”